Business Operations, Software

The Role of EHS Management Software in the Manufacturing Industry

The role played by an worthwhile Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) management in an industry such as manufacturing can be privileged. As the industry holds diverse characteristics that make it stand out from others when managing their EHS systems. The large number of workers involved in the factory floors makes it essential to address the health and safety concerns a level higher. Moreover, the use of a diverse range of resources further complicates environmental management.

The unique challenges occur due to the inherent risks involved in their operations and an initiative to make the involved components secure requires optimum indulgence. The use of effective EHS management not only ensures compliance with regulatory requirements but also leads a step forward towards the generation of a culture of safety and sustainability within the workplace.

As per the reports of the International Labour Organisation, the reported number of injuries in the workplace stands at about 340 million per year. Manufacturing industry injuries cover almost 20% of private industry injuries. This shows the rigorous nature of work in the factories and how the development of strong EHS management is required. 

In the midst of developing ways to make EHS management in manufacturing units better, the revolutionary aid of technology found its way.

What does an EHS management software do?

EHS management software is a powerful tool that has been designed to help organizations across sectors to manage their compliance levels with the set environmental regulations while ensuring the health and safety of their workers, and improving overall operational efficiency.

Unlike the traditional system, this software utilises the tools of artificial intelligence (AI) such as using AI-powered video analytics, computer vision, Generative AI-based solutions, AI for project inspection department to name a few. All of these elements combined generate a system that facilitates automated incident analysis and reporting using digital EHSS monitoring. 

This management software has certain unique benefits that immensely help in the regulation of manufacturing units and the creating of a smart factory. 

Role of EHS Management Software in the Manufacturing Industry

The eventual impact of having a proper EHS monitoring system is very wide and beneficial. This impact can now be amplified with the use of AI-powered analytics that can work round the clock to ensure effective monitoring.

Here are 5 ways in which the use of such software can benefit the manufacturing industry.

1. Regulatory Compliance

The first requirement for any safety compliance is adherence to the regulations laid down for those involved in the worksites. While traditional monitoring involving human forces can have its restrictions, the implementation of a technology-driven system can easily surpass them. 

With automated compliance tracking, EHS management software keeps track of ever-changing environmental, health, and safety regulations across different platforms. It keeps ensuring that the manufacturing facility stays compliant with not only the local but also national, and international laws.

The automated reporting system helps in audit preparation wherethe preparation for regulatory audits becomes easier by organizing necessary documentation, certifications, and compliance records in one centralised management platform.

2. Risk Management

The challenges that lie in a complex work setting such as a manufacturing floor is the designing of operational activities based on future risks. The deployment of EHS management software can help in identifying potential hazards that can cause a halt in the manufacturing process. It uses systematic risk assessments and proactive monitoring.

It has an incident reporting and analysis provision that investigates accidents, near-misses, slips, trips & falls, theft and security breaches, and unsafe conditions like electrical, mechanical, or chemical hazards, leading to effective root cause analysis and preventive actions.

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3. Health and Safety

The health and safety compliance for the workers can be effective if they are trained adequately about their do’s and don’ts ensure manufacturing safety. These sessions can be integrated with the AI-powered EHS software where the managementof employee safety training programs and certifications can be ensured. 

Gary Ng, CEO of viAct accurately states that, “With AI taking on routine monitoring tasks, safety officers can shift their focus to more strategic responsibilities such as analyzing complex safety data, formulating targeted safety policies, and conducting in-depth risk assessments,” 

This holds in case of this monitoring system where the software can ensure PPE compliance among workers, work as Forklift Monitoring Systems, and provide instant suggestions to the workers through Gen AI-enabled chatbots in emergencies when the supervisor is not around. With digital permit-to-work, the checking of worker compliance for a task becomes even easier.

Occupational health monitoring is another aspect of worker safety especially in manufacturing where the risk of developing musculoskeletal diseases is very high. The software can monitor the same by automated Ergonomic assessments using REBA and RULA. It can alert the workers about their posture, their sitting position correction,or changing their working position. 

The use of EHS monitoring software can highly influence the health and safety of workers and promote a more aware and concerned work environment. 

4. Environmental Sustainability

The environmental aspect of EHS is critical in terms of manufacturing facilities due to the emissions that resultfrom operations.  The software is particularly helpful in monitoring waste generation, running water pollution checks, preventing illegal dumping, and even dump truck management. 

It also runs frequent inquiries about resource optimisation for the use of natural resources like water and energy, helping to implement conservation measures and improve resource efficiency.

5. Operational Efficiency

Apart from the environmental, health, and safety compliance, the EHS management software works highly on increasing operational efficiencies and reducing the overall cost involved. With the detection of potential accidents and laying down a set of predictive measures, unplanned downtime, equipment failures, and mismanaged fleet operations can be prevented. 

It also automates routine EHS tasks and workflows which leads to reducing administrative burden and enhancing efficiency in managing EHS processes.


EHS management is indispensable in safeguarding workers, protecting the environment, and ensuring regulatory compliance. The use of EHS management software in manufacturing facilities can help in making the overall decision-making process more swift and effective. These innovations not only enhance safety and efficiency but also contribute to creating a sustainable and responsible workplace.